Passive-Aggressive Behaviour
Our work is driven by purpose, creativity, and the belief that every project has the power to make an impact.

It is a timid behaviour operating from a mind-set of ‘I lose, you win’.
Its basic cause is the constant thought ‘What will people say?’
You cannot say ‘No’ when you really want to say ‘No’ and cannot say ‘Yes’ when you do want to say ‘Yes’.Behind it is your d-e-e-e-e-e-ply seated desire to be called ‘a good person’ at all times by everyone everywhere.
You don’t express your feelings to the offending person at the right time then and there.
It’s because you carry an erroneous belief that ‘They should themselves understand my feelings without me saying anything’.
You go out of the way so that they don’t call you ‘selfish’ or ‘a bad person’.
So you suppress your own desires to sacrifice for others.
Saying ‘No’ causes a big guilt within you.
To avoid this bad feeling you want to please others and never antagonize them.
You feel like a puppet whose strings are being pulled by other people.
Very soon you feel that you are being pushed around, people don’t respect you really and your opinions really don’t matter.
You feel that others manipulate you easily and just take you for granted.
You start feeling more and more suppressed, compressed and oppressed.
As a result, you often feel depressed for no obvious cause.
Your self-esteem goes down; you feel low and a loser.
Slowly you accumulate a lot of suppressed anger and bitterness within you.
You become like a pressure cooker filled with water and kept on the burning gas.
From outside it looks very peaceful, but inside it is filled up with lot of steam.
This accumulated steam slowly causes Severe Anxiety with in you.
Please click here to know whether you have Severe Anxiety or the usual anxiety………
Now the mind-set is ‘I have been suffering so much because of people like you; I must show you who I am today. Now ‘I win and you lose’…Enough is enough now.’
So after some time your inner pressure cooker gives off huge steam suddenly on the nearest person’s face.
You go to the other extreme and release your pent-up anger and frustrations.
You just cannot control your anger and use foul words which hurt others and damage your relationships.
Later you feel sorry for your wrong behaviour.
You become more submissive to atone for your stupidity.
But after some time, the same explosion occurs once again.
Both submissive and aggressive behaviours are extreme behaviours.
Both are very dysfunctional and destructive finally to every one’s peace of mind.
Like a pendulum’s oscillation this game of passive-aggressive behaviour slowly becomes more frequent.
It damages those very relationships which you wanted to preserve in the first place. Finally, there is only bitterness and frustration all around.
You still feel like a puppet whose strings are being pulled by other people.
Remember, short-term gain, life-long pain!
Your self-esteem still goes down; you feel still low and lousy most often………
If the extreme A is aggressive, the extreme C is passive or submissive, then the middle point B is balanced or assertive behaviour.
It is being firm as well courteous without any anger.
The basic mind-set is win-win attitude, ie. ‘I win, you win’.
It is a consistent middle-of-the–path behaviour where you express your feelings to the right person at the right time in the right tone.
You say ‘Yes’ only when you want to say so.
Otherwise, politely but firmly you say ‘No’.
It’s better to face a little friction for 5 minutes rather than create disharmony all around afterwards.
Remember, short-term pain, life-long gain!
You don’t beat about the bush and don’t expect that ‘They should understand my feelings without me saying anything’.
On the contrary, you openly express your thoughts in the right tone to the right person at the right time – without feeling guilty about it.
You stop feeling like a puppet. Now you pull your own strings………
Just call Dr. Arora now to directly talk with him.
Then Dr. Arora, an awakened soul, will help you through his Online Group Coaching on ‘7 Mind Secrets’.
For the last more than 4 decades he has been helping ambitious people like you who are having Severe Anxiety and Passive-Aggressive Behaviour.
You too are soon going to learn how to lead a Beautiful Magical Wonderful Life [BMW Life].
Please Call him now on his Whatsapp numbers +91 93 71 01 95 17 or 98 90 93 08 15.