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Insomnia means a persistent inability to sleep or to have a sound, refreshing sleep.
It is also used loosely by many lay people as the medical name for all sleep problems.
Anxiety causes insomnia in a huge majority of people.
This insomnia then again causes anxiety.
This anxiety further causes more insomnia - which in turn causes still more anxiety, leading to a very destructive cycle.
That is how it soon becomes Severe Anxiety………
Its symptoms include...
Difficulty in falling sleep or staying asleep,
Having quite a disturbed sleep pattern,
Not feeling well-rested when you wake-up,
Daytime tiredness or sleepiness,
Irritability, sad feelings or restlessness,
Difficulty paying attention to daily tasks,
Memory lapses,
Frequent arguments,
Increased frequency of mistakes or accidents,
Sexual difficulties, etc..………
There are many, many, many causes of insomnia.
Severe Anxiety is its very common cause.
Some factors will cause insomnia only in some people, but not in others.
Some of the other causes of insomnia include...
Almost all chronic physical diseases,
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),
Traumatic brain injury (TBI),
Neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease,
Post surgery,
Frequently feeding an infant at night
Love affair,
A break-up,
Impending divorce,
Marriage problems,
Personal/ domestic or career stress,
An irregular sleeping schedule,
Financial problems,
Unrealistic goals,
Fear of failure in exams or interviews,
Negative thinking,
Fearful thoughts,
Low self-esteem,
Poor self-confidence,
Unhealthy sleeping habits,
Too much tea/ coffee or cold drinks,
Some cases of depression,
Acute or chronic pain,
Many medicines,
Exciting or horror movies,
Social media or tv addiction,
Other serious addictions,
Sudden withdrawl of many medicines,
Lack of regular exercise or yoga, etc., etc.
So you see, there are many diverse causes.
This list goes on and on actually.
Can you please check which are the issues which are causing your own sleep problems?………
No. Rest assured.
Insomnia by itself is not a medical or mental illness.
It is actually an outer symptom of an underlying inner illness or an unhealthy lifestyle.
So it has to be investigated properly by a person and his or her doctors.
Once the underlying problem is handled properly, sleep comes to normalcy and insomnia disappears………
Yes. Very much.
Once the underlying problem of Severe Anxiety gets solved, then insomnia also disappears………
Yes. Sure.
Once your underlying problem of Severe Anxiety is resolved, then your insomnia also disappears.
Then your treating doctor will first gradually reduce your sleeping medicines and finally stop them permanently.
But please never stop your medicines suddenly.
They must be gradually reduced or tapered off only by your treating doctor………
You can contact Dr. Arora for his well-known mind power training on 7 Mind Secrets.
Just call him now to directly talk with him.
Then Dr. Arora, an awakened soul, will help you through his Online Group Coaching on ‘7 Mind Secrets’.
For the last more than 4 decades he has been helping ambitious people like you who are having Severe Anxiety and Insomnia.
You too are soon going to learn how to lead a Beautiful Magical Wonderful Life [BMW Life].
Please Call him now on his Whatsapp numbers +91 93 71 01 95 17 or 98 90 93 08 15.