Severe Anxiety Expert

Bad Times

Our work is driven by purpose, creativity, and the belief that every project has the power to make an impact.

In the distant past or just recently, something had happened to you or your loved ones which should not have happened at all.

Or in the past somebody had done something to you or your loved ones and it was not liked at all by you.

Or you are constantly worrying about what will happen in the future to you or your loved ones.

So you are currently having quiet a rough patch in your life.

But the fact is that whatever bad happened in the past has already happened.

Similarly, whatever bad can happen in future is only in your imagination.

It has not come as yet because that future has not arrived as yet.

That’s the plain and simple reality.

Nevertheless, you have been feeling so much anxious and stressed out.

Gradually, you are already feeling much, much worse than before.

Now your symptoms are appoaching those of Severe Anxiety.

Please click here to know whether you have Severe Anxiety or the usual anxiety………

Now there are only 2 reasons of your bad times of Severe Anxiety - a superficial reason and a reareason. 

One. The superficial reason is some past or future situation or some one’s bad behaviour.

Two. But the real reason is that you are not accepting the actual reality. 

And what is that actual reality?

That actual reality is that nothing at all can be done now to change that past incidence.

Because past is a history; you just cannot change it.

Similarly, the future is a mystery; you have no idea about it.

These are The Natural or Cosmic Laws.

But you are hoping against hope that The Natural Laws will somehow change to suit your desire.

But the reality is that The Cosmic Laws are totally impartial and neutral. 

These Natural Laws will not bend for you. 

Whether you try to bribe by praying, offerings or fasting or you threaten to 'stop believing in God'.

The reality will not change for you.

It is you who will have to change your mindset and be in alignment with the reality of The Natural Laws………

Very sorry! It is not possible. 

You’ll always get both

It is inevitable.

You have to accept valleys with the peaks. 

Just because you wanted something special in your life does not mean that you are going to get it every time.

When the going was good you never bothered to ask why good things are happening the way you want them.

You never stopped to learn the basic thing that after every day is a night and every hill is followed by a valley. 

So now when the valley came and your wave crashed down, you felt confused and started feeling bad………

'Life is unjust',

'Oh! Somebody please come and save me',

'Oh! please save my dreams, save my ambitions',

'I only want the yang or the up phase, I don't want the yin or the down phase',

'If God will not listen to me I will stop believing in Him',

'I'll become so much miserable in depression that even God will learn a lesson".

As shown above, you may continue like this living in the past or future and keep on blaming those people or circumstances. 

You’ll become only more frustrated in this process.

Your anxiety will become much, much more severe in such a case.

Do you agree? What’s your personal experience in this regard?

The reality - that those unwanted things have happened already and you cannot change that past now - will not change.

You may accept the reality today itself or continue to have some more misery. 

It is entirely your choice.

But accept you must – this fact will not change………

You made some 'mistakes' in the past because you were unaware, you were unconscious and you were in a sleep. 

Doesn't matter, you got the benefit; you also paid a heavy price. 

Score is always equalized then and there.

Therefore, the only solution is to accept the reality of your emotions first of all and simply witness it in the here and now.

The very act of being a total witness in advanced meditation makes you detached from the game of your mind. 

Frustrations, then, stop bothering you.

During any emotional turmoil just watch and witness every moment and willingly go through all the turmoil without any moralizing or judgment.

Everything is temporary

It will also pass.

That's the best, easiest and most productive way of coming out of your current mess.

It's also certainly the most painful initially

But then you have no other choice if you really want to come out of your Severe Anxiety

There is no alternative to have this short-term pain to have life-long gain!!………

In spite of what all we have just told you your anxiety, confusion and frustrations will still come and pull you down quite frequently in the days to come. 

It happens with everybody and it's going to happen with you too in the days to come.

What you have learnt till now is only intellectual swimming. 

It's your life finally and you have to actually experience the validity of these pearls of wisdom in your own peculiar way.

That is the most important truth to realize. 

And for that the only way is actually learning and practicing Mind Power Techniques………

The most important thing is that you willingly go through the rough patch by actually doing any advanced meditation daily.

Very soon you will start feeling like a still peaceful lake without any ripples of disturbance. 

You can start by doing the following Basic Meditation...

Watch your feelings of Severe Anxiety without any judgment of good or bad. And wait for the negative emotions to pass away after some time. 

Do not, I repeat, do not try to distract or change your mental status by giving any positive suggestions right now.

Your life is not running away anywhere.

It's only your anxiety that makes you try to hurry up the flow of life.

But no amount of efforts on your part to 'become strong' or 'have will power' or 'think positive' will work.

You are just a mere drop, a drop in a small wave, arising from the Infinite Cosmic Ocean of Consciousness.

If today this wave is going down then how can you question The Wisdom of the Highest Intelligence

How can a mere drop question The Ocean?………

If you merge into the ocean, that is, accept the realty willingly then the rough patch will vanish pretty soon.

However, if you continue resisting this painful reality then it will continue persisting for a very long time.

Remember, resistance leads to persistence and acceptance leads to disappearance. 

Let life happen to you totally.

Just allow the Infinite Intelligence to 'happen' to you in each and every moment.

You just make 'effortless efforts' by simply passively 'being' there without actively 'doing' anything in meditation………

No, not at all! Please understand that effortlessness is not at all being lazy.

Laziness means that you are just sitting and doing nothing. 

But mentally, your horses are running and running wild. 

You are dreaming big things, planning grandiose ideas, but physically not doing any concrete actions to convert those dreams into reality. 

This process creates lots of inner conflicts within you. 

It sucks away your energy gradually.

And leaves you more tired and chronically fatigued. 

It only leads to sub-total actions. 

Sub-total actions then lead to sub-total results and, hence, sub-total success.

On the contrary, effortlessness means that whatever The Highest Intelligence gives you is totally acceptable to you in every moment in absolute humility.

There is no judgment of good or bad, likeable or not likeable from your side. 

Each and everything is OK as it is

There, then, is no need of trying to change any thoughts, feelings or sensations.

Everything has simply been accepted as it is through being a witness without judgment and without any reservation………

Yes, very much

Start again today.

After all, it's your 'happy birthday - the first day of the rest of your life'. 

Life happens fresh in every moment; the two different points of the past and the present never ever meet.

What's gone is gone. It's over; totally over, finished. Let it go. 

But you can keep those incidents and those so-called mistakes always 'garden fresh' in your mind.

You can continue feeling mighty sad, angry or guilty for years to come. 

But nothing will happen to The Reality

You want misery, you'll get it thoroughly.

If you want to be happy as well as successful in spite of all your past actions, you can still get it without any reservation.

It's all available to all of you without any labelling of 'good' or 'bad'………

Please remember that your MIS-ery comes from MISS-alignment with The Laws of The Universal Consciousness and your happiness comes from alignment with those laws. 

Since these laws always happen in the present moment only, your HAPP-iness also HAPP-ens in the present moment only, never in wallowing in the past or being anxious about the future………

Nothing wrong!

You just need a guidance to come out of your problems immediately. 

You can contact Dr. Arora for his well-known mind power group training on 7 Mind Secrets.

Just call him now to directly talk with him.

Then Dr. Arora, an awakened soul, will help you through his Online Group Coaching on ‘7 Mind Secrets’. 

For the last more than 4 decades he has been helping people having Severe Anxiety and Bad Times from all walks of life.  

You too are going to learn how to lead a Beautiful Magical Wonderful Life [BMW Life].

Please Call him now on his Whatsapp numbers +91 93 71 01 95 17 or 98 90 93 08 15.