Severe Anxiety Expert

The real problem is not between elders and youngsters.

The real problem is the instrument which all of you are using to deal with each other – that is your own human mind! Yes, your own mind.

M.I.N.D. [contd...]

I – Incomplete, Insecure, Inferior and Inadequate

  • In the same instant your mind can either see the top or the bottom. 

  • Same way it can see the left but not the right. If it sees the right then it loses the view of the left.

  • If it sees you going from point A to point B, then it cannot see you coming towards point B from point A in the same moment.

  • Thus, your mind inherently cannot see the whole reality at any given time.

  • So it always feels incomplete and hence insecure.

  • This further leads to feeling of inadequacy and inferiority with in you.

  • It’s like an incomplete jigsaw puzzle. 

  • This insecurity and incompleteness is a part and parcel of your life in every moment.

  • The instrument of mind itself is designed by The Creator like this. 

  • But you blame other people or some circumstances for your anguish.

  • You feel that they are making you feel insecure or inferior. 

  • Then you expect that your family members will provide you that security and completeness. 

  • However, they too are equally insecure and incomplete.

  • They are expecting the same thing from you!

  • It’s like a beggar begging from another beggar!

  • As long as you fulfil each other’s expectations to some degree at least, the relationship remains very loving and friendly.

  • But for most of the deep expectations both the parties feel cheated and let down. 

  • You cannot fulfil their expectations and they fail to come up to your expectations.

  • These unfulfilled expectations then lead to frustrations and inter-personal conflicts.

  • Like a father keeps on expecting that his bright son should get 90% marks in science.

  • But the son’s mind has dreams of his own.

  • He is more interested in music. Result is the inevitable conflict.

  • Similarly, the growing up teenage daughter wants to go to parties now.

  • But the parents are worried about any misadventure.

  • Plus, they have to consider ‘What will people say?’

  • There are going to be huge clashes now for the coming decade.

Such mind games are happening all over the world in every family. 

The problem is not the generation gap but the human mind itself!

Read more to know more about how your mind is the root cause behind all conflicts………

M.I.N.D. [contd...]

N – Never fulfilled

  • Human mind can never feel fulfilled.

  • It is its inherent manufacturing defect.

  • It will always focus more on glass is half-empty or what is missing or what is wrong or what is not being given.

  • It just cannot feel contented with its countless blessings and beautiful things already present.

  • As a result, parents feel that their hardships in meeting the children’s demands with ever-rising prices are not being appreciated by their kids.

  • The youngsters, on the other hand, feel that parents are being too interfering in the children’s personal freedom; that they are too old fashionedand don’t understand the creative juices flowing in the minds of the young budding geniuses.

  • This very game was played just about 30 years ago by these parents’ own parents with them.

  • Today they are having the same conflicts with their own children.

Nothing has changed really over the generations because the human mind’s focus on the negative has not changed………

M.I.N.D. [contd...]

D – Divided, Doubtful

  • Your mind oscillates between various extremes.

  • Whatever it does it questions its own self after some time. 

  • Hence it is always divided between this and that, to be or not to be.

  • It just does not trust itself.

  • Therefore, it does not trust others too.

  • This is not bad by itself.

  • In fact, in life it is good to be cautious.

  • But it is bad to be overcautious.

This divided nature of human mind causes parents to doubt their children’s intentions or capabilities.

The children feel unappreciated or unloved.

They retaliate silently in their own ingenious ways.

This game of shouting and more shouting goes on and on………

Please understand that you are having an impossible dream. 

You simply cannot please everybody and make all members happy all the time.

Please accept your and their imperfections as normal.

All of you are just being human, that’s all.

This is a very good question. 

There are only 4 ways to bring up your children:

II] Strict style: Only discipline, no love

  • On the other hand, some parents go to the other extreme.

  • They are usually high achievers themselves and expect the same from their children.

  • Most of them had strict family upbringing themselves.

  • Parents coming from police or defence background fall prey to this parenting style usually. 

  • Physical beatings, criticism and condemnation are very common with such parents – all in the name of love!

  • Here children are not shown cuddling love for the fear of spoiling their future.

  • Such parents forget the saying that ‘Love not only should be done; it should be seen to be done also’.

  • Such children grow up to be very under-confident, passive and fearful adults.

  • They might even start stammering badly.

  • Conversely, some other children become rebellious from an early age.

  • They become destructive trouble makers as they grow up.

  • Occasionally, some land up on the criminal path to rebel against any authority.

  • Advanced mind power techniques are the Golden keys that show the right perspective of living a beautiful trouble-free life to such disturbed souls………

III] Neglecting style: No love, no discipline

  • Some parents are too busy in their respective careers to give proper attention to their children.

  • Or they are too busy fighting with each other in their own dysfunctional marriage. 

  • In spite of their good intentions to be good parents they just don’t have the time or the energy to give love or discipline to their unfortunate children.

Such most unfortunate children grow up as confused adults. 

Their ideas about right and wrong and social and moral ethics are usually muddled up.

Practicing the advanced mind power techniques is the only way through which such troubled souls can get the right sense of balance and inner peace………

IV] Balanced style: Optimum love, optimum discipline

  • These children are the luckiest ones. 

Most often these parents have been into meditation themselves for a long time. 

Here they learn that ‘Balancing in everything, balancing is everything’.

Getting a proper, healthy and optimum dose of love as well as discipline, such lucky souls unleash their full inherent potential in whatever field they choose very easily.

They are the born leaders amongst their respective peers………

Your family just needs to contact Dr. Arora in this situation.

You can contact Dr. Arora for his well-known mind power training on 7 Mind Secrets.

Just call him now to directly talk with him.

Then Dr. Arora, an awakened soul, will help you through his Online Group Coaching on ‘7 Mind Secrets’. 

For the last more than 4 decades he has been helping ambitious people like you who are having Severe Anxiety and Parenting Problems.