Severe Anxiety Expert


Our work is driven by purpose, creativity, and the belief that every project has the power to make an impact.

Like a see-saw there are 2 opposite forces working in your life from cradle to grave – the negative, energy-lowering force of Tamas or Inertia and the positive, energy boosting force of Rajas or Initiative.

They are not enemies of each other - in fact, they are mutually complementary forces.

You require both of them to be at ease and peace in your life.

That balancing is called the energy of Sattav.

Initiative or life force is the God-given creative force of the universe. 

It runs the universe, galaxies, stars and planets.

In your own life it’s the force of love – which may be parental love, sibling love, romantic love, friendly love or love for your nation and passion for your work.

Love for anything in any form keeps you alive, healthy and vibrant. 

It comes out as your enthusiasm for living.

It’s responsible for your good relationships and all your success. 

Your joy and happiness depend directly upon how much the force of love is active in your life.

The opposite is the destructive God-given force of inertia

It breaks down everything and brings disease, destruction and death.

It is represented in your life by your laziness and the tendency to postpone things for tomorrow, called procrastination.

Your all other bad habits are just a reflection of inertia in your daily life.

Both these forces exist in balance with in you. 

But when the tamasic force of inertia becomes very big your life goes into great imbalance.

This imbalanced life is the basic reason behind your Severe Anxiety.

Please click here to know whether you have Severe Anxiety or the usual anxiety………

All your life there is a constant up and down game of the see-saw between the opposite forces of iniative and inertia - rajas and tamas.

That’s why good times keep on alternating with bad times in every one’s life like a sine wave.

If a mountain peak is the force of love, success and happiness, then the valley is the force of inertia.

Because of love you breathe and eat to maintain your life healthy, happy and wealthy. 

Each and everything that you do every moment is guided by this force to remain alive happily.

Simultaneously, inertia or laziness makes you 

Postpone exercise, 

Makes you eat wrong foods, 

Lose your sleep for silly reasons, 

Fall into addictions, 

Hurt your relationships, and 

Miss the right actions so that you face failure in studies or work, etc., etc………

Absolutely correct! Both Rajas and Tamas forces are mutually dependent upon each other.

They are like the two banks of a river. 

It’s like the oscillation of a pendulum from one extreme to the other extreme.

‘Rajas’ is the force of light. It controls all your ambitions, actions and achievements. 

It is the force which synthesizes the universe and your daily life from the basic elements into gigantic creations. 

It is the creative force of Universal Energy to run the whole universe, including your daily life.

Its complementary force‘Tamas’, is the force of darkness. 

It causes the ultimate destruction of every creation back into the basic elements. 

In human life lazinessprocrastination and your other bad habits are its representatives………

Yes, you are dot on line.

It is the famous Dance of Lord Nataraja where the dance of creation and destruction goes on endlessly and eternally.

It’s like when a pendulum oscillates and changes from -100 to +100 and then again from +100 to -100. 

Similarly, Rajas changes into Tamas and tamas changes back into rajas………

Rajas or creative force is called ‘Yang’ while Tamas is called ‘Yin’ in Chinese philosophy. 

What it means is that our ancient cultures have been understanding the dance of life for many centuries. 

They have also shown us the solution for encountering our eternal enemies of laziness and procrastination………

You must have tried a lot of your will power in the past to overcome this problem.

You must have succeeded for some time to crash once again. Do you agree? 

Now you are facing Severe Anxiety which is the outer symptom of the underlying severe inner imbalance

This solution for this severe imbalnce in your life is ‘Advanced Anxiety Meditation’………

Just call Dr. Arora now to directly talk with him.

Then Dr. Arora, an awakened soul, will help you through his Online Group Coaching on ‘7 Mind Secrets’. 

For the last more than 4 decades he has been helping ambitious people like you who are having  Severe Anxiety and Laziness & Procrastination.  

You too are soon going to learn how to lead a Beautiful Magical Wonderful Life [BMW Life].

Please Call him now on his Whatsapp numbers +91 93 71 01 95 17 or 98 90 93 08 15.

The crucial difference is that with the dog’s danger your extra adrenaline served its purpose of using the body muscles to fight or escape to save your life.

Soon this extra adrenaline would be broken down by the body to complete its life cycle.

But with a cornered state of having no escape you are unable to use your muscles to ‘fight’ or ‘flight’. 

The extra adrenaline rush is neither utilized for its basic function of ‘flight’ or ‘fight’ nor is it broken down early in the body.

Consequently, all your body’s voluntary and involuntary muscles remain under a prolonged period of contraction and stress because of continued high adrenaline levels.

Similarly, if you do fight physically, the extra energy generated in the muscles is consumed.

But there may be a simmering state of continuous underlying hostility like in a dissatisfying job or a troublesome family background.

It keeps on secreting high adrenaline levels in your body day in, day out 24×7 for months or even years………

It is just like the constant drip-drip of a leaking water tap in a village. 

Initially, nothing bad happens. 

But after some time even the solid grey-coloured cement floor of the bathroom in that village home develops a hollow under the leaking tap. Isn’t it?

Similarly, with no rest in between for the extra adrenaline to decompose, the massive side-effects of adrenaline come into full force gradually.

Now your body muscles start getting ‘burnt out’ due to the months or years of continuous adrenaline overdose. 

You start experiencing any of the symptoms of ‘Burnt Out Syndrome’ or Severe Anxiety.

These symptoms are the same symptoms of anxiety that we told you above – only they are now magnified many times.

The same best friend adrenaline now becomes your worst enemy!

How tragic really………

When your anxiety or stress start happening almost daily for a long time your body just cannot cope with the extra adrenaline pouring in so frequently.

The perpetually contracted muscles under the continuous effect of extra adrenaline simply get exhausted. 

Hence, they become tired and painful.

As the muscular walls of the body’s arteries contract the arteries’ diameter decreases. 

Now, less and less blood goes to all critical organs. 

Therefore, they get less and less oxygen and glucose.

Additionally, their toxic wastes start getting accumulated within the organs themselves instead of getting washed out with a normal blood supply. 

The critical organs then start malfunctioning gradually.

It is like a virus entering your laptop and causing its disturbed functioning.

Now this reduced blood supply starts killing your white blood cells. 

Your immunity or the resistance to fight with various diseases starts going downhill – first slowly and then rapidly after some time.

This state of ‘dis – ease’ then slowly becomes a ‘disease’!………

Lots of medical research is being done today all over the world in the newly emerging field of psycho-neuro-immunology [the study of the role of the mind over nervous and immune systems].

It has been shown repeatedly that stress or anxiety is either the direct cause or the precipitating cause of 90% of all diseases in modern-day’s high-pressure life. 

It means that your unchecked stress or Severe Anxiety will either cause some disease directly in your precious body or it will escalate an already-present disease process.

The various stress-induced diseases or diseases caused by Severe Anxiety can be loss of memory and concentration, anger, mood changes, irritable behavior, chronic tiredness, demotivation in any work, sex problems like frigidity, loss of sexual interest, inadequate erection, premature ejaculation, etc.

Others can be hair loss, headache, migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, poor vision, chronic sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, repeated attacks of common cold, gum infections, ear infections, imbalance of thyroid and other hormones, irregular, excessive or scanty periods, cervical spondylitis, etc.

You may also get repeated attacks of joint pains, muscular pains, chest pain, back pain, leg cramps, stomach pain, or burning sensation in limbs, etc.

Or you may develop acidity, gas, constipation, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome [IBS], chronic diarrhea, skin problems, etc.

In other cases, the problems can be more serious like diabetes, high BP, angina, heart attack, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, kidney failure, liver diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, other auto-immune disorders like psoriasis, etc.………

Yes. Absolutely right.

Every person has a different constitution and his own unique weakest and strongest points.

Your weakest organ will break down first under stress or Severe Anxiety while other organs may not be affected immediately.

That’s why what may be a child’s play for you may be devastating for your friend.

That’s why different people will show different symptoms of stress or Severe Anxiety under exactly similar circumstances.

Additionally, the same person will show different problems in exactly similar situations at different ages and stages of life………

Yes, very much. 

Your body may not be able to cope with sudden big changes in your life.

Like, a sudden bankruptcy, unexpected big financial loss, a roadside accident, sudden loss of job, sexual assault, a big scandal, a public humiliation, examination failure, a big show-down with a friend, continuous overwork for a few days or weeks, death of a loved one, break-up of love-affair, etc.

The same above-mentioned stress-induced or Severe Anxiety problems can happen because of acute, sudden incidences too………

Let’s say that your body works best with minimum stress at an arbitrary 50 units. If you go to 0, there is a change of -50.

If you go to 100, again there is a change of +50. In both situations, there is a big quantum of change. 

As stress is the body’s reaction to change, the big change will cause big stress or Severe Anxiety. 

Hence both extremes will cause big stress on your system.

That’s why both overwork, as well as laziness, will cause stress.

Too passive or too aggressive behavior will cause stress.

Too many or too few responsibilities will cause stress.

Running away from modern life will be as stressful as being a part of the mad rat race.

It means that all extremes will cause big stress or Severe Anxiety sooner or later………

Your body is a harmonious unity of all organs. 

They work not at the maximum [or extreme] capacity but an optimum capacity in teamwork with all other organs.

This is what creates the beauty of a healthy mind in a healthy body.

Therefore, the middle path is the best – neither too much of this nor too much of that. 

Balance in everything, balance is everything in the 4 pillars of your life………

Your precious life has 4 pillars:



Society, and


All the four pillars need to be given optimum attention at all times in your life.

The critical point is to realize that a career, the fourth pillar, is meant to provide you with money and other resources to enjoy the other three pillars.

If you spend all your time and energy focused only on your career, then this extreme behavior does give you great financial success initially undoubtedly.

But this is just like burning your candle at both the ends.

And this is what will cause a lot of stress, or Burnt-out Syndrome or Severe Anxiety later on………

Your Self likewise has 4 needs that have to be full filled – not quarter filled – in an optimum way every day.

They are your…

Physiological needs – of oxygen, water, food, and daily body functions like breathing, sweating, sleeping, excretion, etc. and Physical needs of safety and security.

Emotional needs of heart – of love, sharing, caring, belonging in relationships, and fulfilling hobbies.

Intellectual needs of the mind – of material success, knowledge, name, fame, power, etc.

Spiritual needs – of connecting to your Inner Highest Intelligence or a Higher Power.

The tragedy of stress starts occurring the moment you start neglecting your other three needs only to fulfill your intellectual needs of material success………

Simple! Start today to strike a balance between your 4 personal needs and also 4 pillars of life.

Give more time to your sleep, balanced diet, daily exercise/ yoga/ aerobics/ dancing, etc., spending more time with people whom you love, going back to nature and your hobbies………

Then you need a proper guidance to come out of your problems immediately. 

You can contact Dr. Arora for his well-known mind power training on 7 Mind Secrets.

Just call him now to directly talk with him.

Then Dr. Arora, an awakened soul, will help you through his Online Group Coaching on ‘7 Mind Secrets’.

For the last more than 4 decades he has been helping people having Severe Anxiety from all walks of life.  

You too are going to learn how to lead a Beautiful Magical Wonderful Life [BMW Life].

Please Consult him now.