Being confused is nothing abnormal. It happens to most people quite often.
But if it is getting out of control for you then it starts causing more and more Severe Anxiety with in you.
The reason why you are feeling so bad about your confusion is that you are much more sensitive as compared to most other people.
Sure sure. Depending upon their sensitivity and emotional reactions to situations human beings in any population are of basically 5 types:
E: Extremely insensitive: 2% of people
D: Less than moderate - Quite insensitive: 15% of people
C: Moderately sensitive: 66% of people
B: More than moderate - Quite sensitive: 15% of people
A: Extremely sensitive: 2% people………
2% 15% 66% 15% 2%
They are grossly insensitive about their own as well as other people’s feelings.
They are used to suppressing and denying their own heartfelt soft and tender feelings.
They are like the cold-hearted Alexander, Genghis Khan, Hitler, dictators, serial murderers, rapists, etc………
They are not so stone-hearted. But their sensitivity is less than the average human being’s sensitivity.
They are quite selfish and can manipulate people or hurt them easily for their narrow gains.
With their twisted logic, they justify their actions to themselves and others without feeling any remorse.
Pimps of prostitutes, exploiters of child labor, gangsters, dons, habitual wife-beaters, pedophiles, etc. fall in this category………
They are the normal average ‘common people’. They are moderately sensitive to their own and others’ soft feelings.
They feel love, compassion, and gratitude to a good extent. They sometimes go out of their way to help others.
They love, fight, argue, win and lose like most other average human beings. Yet they can easily suppress and deny inconvenient truths.
A typical example will be of a middle-class ambitious professional who is insensitive to the sea of human degradation and misery all around him in a metro like Mumbai.
He is also insensitive to his wife’s needs for his time and attention.
His only focus is more and more career progress.
There are millions and millions of people just like him leading a similar moderately sensitive life………
They are more than average sensitive to human feelings.
They are quite aware of their feelings and also feel for others’ happiness.
They very often go out of the way for uplifting the lives of other human beings.
Best examples are the social and environmental activists, motivational trainers, spiritual organizations, etc………
They are very rare. They are highly sensitive to soft human emotions.
They understand others’ suffering very empathically. Even small fluctuations get noticed by them.
Most often they are into meditation, yoga, and other spiritual practices.
They easily gravitate towards social and ecology work.
Now do you understand that you feel confused because you are more sensitive? That’s all.
Alternatively, you also feel moody and confused if you have been leading a highly stressful life.
You need to manage your stress and tensions more effectively. Your confusion will settle down by itself very soon………
There is nothing especially wrong with your mind as such. The human mind itself is a confusing instrument!
Human M.I.N.D. has 4 definite characteristics:
Monkeys keep on jumping from this tree to that tree. They just cannot sit still for some period. They just cannot remain peaceful.
Same way your mind is a crowd of monkeys. These monkeys cannot remain stationary on anyone thought. They keep on jumping from thought to thought. What do you feel? Do you agree?
These monkeys are always quarreling with each other. That’s the reason why most of the thoughts are contradictory to other thoughts.
In the same instant, your mind can either see the top or the bottom. The same way it can see the left but not the right.
If it sees the right then it loses the view of the left.
If it sees you going from point A to point B, then it cannot see you coming towards point B from point A in the same moment.
Thus, your mind inherently cannot see the whole reality at any given time.
So it always feels incomplete and hence insecure. This further leads to a feeling of inadequacy and inferiority within you.
Human mind can never feel fulfilled. It is its inherent manufacturing defect.
It will always focus more on ‘glass is half-empty' or what is missing or what is wrong or what is not being given.
It just cannot feel contented with its countless blessings and beautiful things already present.
As a result, you feel that your hardships in meeting others’ demands with ever-rising worries are not being appreciated by other people.
The same feeling they are having for you!
Your mind oscillates between various extremes.
Whatever it does it questions itself after some time. Hence it is always divided between this and that, to be or not to be.
It just does not trust itself. Therefore, it does not trust others too.
This is not bad by itself. In fact, in life, it is good to be cautious. But it is bad to be overcautious.
This divided nature of the human mind causes you to feel confused and moody.
It lies in advanced meditation & advanced mind power techniques.
In our personal experience of training and counseling thousands of people one fact emerges very, very clearly.
And this is that there are so many techniques of dealing with your particular problem, but Severe Anxiety Meditation is The Golden Master Key which will surely and definitely change the quality of your life.
It will settle down your confusing and depressing emotions very fast………
Just call Dr. Arora now to directly talk with him.
Then Dr. Arora, an awakened soul, will help you through his Online Group Coaching on ‘7 Mind Secrets’.
For the last more than 4 decades he has been helping ambitious people like you who are having Severe Anxiety and Confusion & Mood Changes.