One-to-one communication is exactly like public speaking to a large group!
Yes, you read right. They are practically both the same.
In one-to-one communication you are talking and the other person is listening directly.
In a bigger group of 2, 20, or 200 people, you are still talking and the others are listening.
But each member of the audience is listening to you once again directly.
No one is listening to you through somebody else in the crowd, although you are addressing the whole crowd together.
So both communications are essentially the same.
Similarly, one person from the group asks you a question.
At any one given moment, only one person can talk to you while others wait for their turn.
So, once again you are talking or listening to only one person at a time.
Lack of effective communication skills can cause huge disturbances in your personal, social and professional life.
This will surely cause Severe Anxiety sooner or later.
Then will again cause more mis-communication in your career, domestic and social live.
That will once again cause this cycle of Poor communication-Severe Anxiety-Communication problems-Severe Anxiety to continmue on and on and on.
Please click here to know whether you have Severe Anxiety or the usual anxiety………
Hello! You are already communicating easily!
You have already conveyed to us the message of your difficulty so easily and correctly.
That is what communication is all about – getting your desired message across to the right person for the right effect, that’s all.
As such, there is nothing wrong with your message or its delivery.
Most, most, most of the people are shy about public speaking. So your own shyness is very much OK.
But your problem is actually in your deep-rooted anxiety about your communication and public speaking skills………
Your real problem is your lack of self-belief.
You don’t have self-confidence as far as your self-expression is concerned.
You erroneously believe that you are a poor communicator.
Then what you believe deep in your mind comes out through your body’s gestures.
Your erroneous self-belief then comes true.
Consequently, you feel that you cannot communicate your ideas easily and boldly.
This poor self-belief soon starts causing you more and more anxiety.
In some rare cases such anxiety starts becoming more and more troublesome and becomes Severe Anxiety………
Sure. In reality, there are 2 choices in human interactions.
The First is plain talking – where a person does a monologue of blah!... blah!... blah! without bothering whether the opposite person is understanding his message correctly or not.
It is a simple waste of everybody’s precious time and usually does not give any productive results.
You may be knowing some such ‘big bores’ in your circle. So you understand what we are saying.
The Second choice is to do the real communication – where your message is carried across correctly to the right person.
That person understands without any distortion what you want to convey.
Let’s not talk anything further about boring people.
Instead, we’ll focus our energy only on how to become a more effective communicator in one-to-one conversations as well as in public speaking in big groups.
What do you say? Do you agree? ………
Your communication has 2 parts:
Verbal communication with words - it is only 7% effective.
Non-verbal communication without words or body language.
It is done by using your body’s gestures and expressions.
It is very much more important than verbal communication – as much as 93% effective!
All the great communicators who have ever impressed you in your life were great because they were using their body language most effectively………
Even when you are not speaking anything verbally your body is still speaking something through the facial expressions, shoulders, posture, legs movements, hands’ gestures, etc.
Even without you being conscious about it, your physical body keeps on showing what’s happening in your deep subconscious mind at that particular moment through its body language.
So you understand that in every moment you are unconsciously sending some message across through the body language.
You are always communicating in every moment your inner state of feelings to the outer world through your body language.
In fact, your particular body language is right now showing what’s happening in your mind as you read these very pages.
Whether you are excited, thrilled, neutral, or bored is simply coming out through your whole body………
Scientifically speaking, adrenaline stimulates all body muscles.
They contract and become ready for the ‘fight or flight response’ to save the body from that situation’s stress.
If the muscles are used to fight or run away, well and good – the purpose of secreting adrenaline is served.
If not, then the extra adrenaline is decomposed by the body after the threatening situation or crisis gets over.
So there is no damage to any part of the body because of adrenaline’s side effects.
That’s why when a crisis blows over you suddenly feel light or weak because of the effect of adrenaline withdrawal.
You may also feel a sense of relief, release, or relaxation. All this is due to adrenaline withdrawal………
You are very right!
Stop bothering about what to say verbally, as it is only 7% important in your communication.
Even if you speak all the words of gold, its impact will still be only 7%.
Start becoming aware of the 93% important message that is coming out through your body language right now.
As we said earlier, you are always in the process of conveying some message through your body language at every moment.
If your verbal communication does not match with the non-verbal body language then this mismatch greatly decreases your talk’s impact.
People don’t take your communication seriously then.
Conversely, even if you speak very few words, but your body language strongly supports your spoken words, then your impact upon the audience is immediate and huge.
That’s The Master Key – to match your non-verbal communication strongly with your verbal communication………
Basics of a perfect delivery... Scientific research has shown that your eyes and a smiling face are 50% effective to create the right impact upon the audience.
Modulation of voice, the right appropriate gestures, a comfortable posture, and rest of the body are 43% effective.
Visible enthusiasm in conveying your message boosts your confidence and the impact of your words on the audience.
Loudness of speech has to be moderate taking the audience’s interest into the picture.
Keep the speed moderate – neither too slow nor too fast – so that an adequate interest is maintained in your talk.
Small and frequent pauses at the right time make your whole communication very effective.
Clarity in putting forth your ideas is most important.
Don’t speak of too many things in the same talk.
Keep it simple, uncluttered, and focused on the most important 1-2 points only.
Lay stress especially on the last syllable of each word. Speak it with emphasis.
Posture... Keep your chest out, shoulders back, and head high. Distribute weight evenly on the balls of your feet. Keep knees relaxed.
Hands... Adopt open body posture.
Show "nothing-to-hide" open hands. Do not cross arms or keep at the back.
Gestures... Do gestures to explain your points more clearly.
Keep gestures above waist level.
Do not keep on repeating the same gestures again and again………
Words... Complex or big words may look very sophisticated but are poorly followed by most of the audience.
Your speech should be clearly understood by the person with the least intelligence in the audience.
Therefore, use simple words with only 1 or 2 syllables.
e.g. Use ‘Refusal’ for ‘Unwillingness’, ‘Serious’ for ‘Humourlessness’, ‘Happy’ for ‘Irrepressible’.
Use short, simple sentences.
Use plenty of full stops.
Do not use more than 2 phrases in each sentence.
Verbal tics like ‘ugh, ugh, um...um…’ ‘you know, you know, ‘and all and all’ etc. distract the listener from the effectiveness of a good speech.
e.g. ‘Having gone to attend the office on Sunday, I found the office locked because the peon had not come till 9 a.m.’
It can be spoken as: ‘I went to the office on Sunday. The peon had not come till 9 a.m. The office was still closed.’
Connectives... Use ‘However’, ‘Moreover’, ‘Consequently’, ‘Therefore’, etc. to form a smooth flow.
e.g. ‘I went to the office on Sunday. However, the peon had not come till 9 a.m. Therefore, the office was still closed’………
Rule of 50 – 50... Use connectives to connect at least 50% of the sentences. As much as possible, avoid ‘And’, ‘Which’ to connect two different ideas.
e.g. ‘One day I was waiting for my friend in East Street and I found him coming on his bike and this gladdened my heart very much.
It can be spoken as: ‘One day I was waiting for my friend in East Street. After a while, I saw him coming on his bike. This gladdened my heart very much.'………
Absolutely. You are so right in having this earnest desire.
Each and every human being has the hidden seed with in him to become a highly confident communicator and a charismatic public speaker.
But it is the serious problems like Severe Anxiety which prevent the God-given human potential to be truly expressed - the seed never becomes a tree then………
Just call Dr. Arora now to directly talk with him.
Then Dr. Arora, an awakened soul, will help you through his Online Group Coaching on ‘7 Mind Secrets’.
For the last more than 4 decades he has been helping ambitious people like you who are having Severe Anxiety and Poor Communication Skills.
You too are soon going to learn how to lead a Beautiful Magical Wonderful Life [BMW Life].
Please Call him now on his Whatsapp numbers +91 93 71 01 95 17 or 98 90 93 08 15.