Chronic Health Problems
Our work is driven by purpose, creativity, and the belief that every project has the power to make an impact.

Lots of medical research is being done today all over the world in the newly emerging field of psycho-neuro-immunology [the study of the role of the mind over nervous and immune systems].
There are so many Severe Anxiety-induced diseases.
They can be quite serious like loss of memory and concentration, anger, mood changes, volatile behavior, chronic tiredness, sex problems like frigidity, loss of sexual interest, inadequate erection, premature ejaculation, etc.
Other diseases can be hair loss, headache, migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, poor vision, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, common cold, gum infections, ear infections, imbalance of thyroid and other hormones, irregular, excessive or scanty periods, cervical spondylitis, etc.
You may also get illnesses like joint pains, muscular pains, chest pain, back pain, leg cramps, or burning sensation in limbs.
Or you may develop sicknesses like acidity, gas, constipation, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic diarrhea, skin problems, etc.
In other cases, the problems can be more serious like diabetes, high BP, angina, heart attack, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, kidney failure, liver diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, other auto-immune disorders like psoriasis, etc.
Sorry. It is all without any medicines or surgery.
Your yoga, pranayama, exercises, and old medications will continue as before.
We will not increase or decrease any medicine.
The medicine or surgery part will be strictly between you and your treating physician or surgeon without any interference from our side.
In these training sessions we show you the amazing powers that God has already given to you within your mind.
You will be taught the practical and down-to-earth techniques of tapping these mysterious powers to heal yourself of your physical diseases.
Initially, your old medications will continue as before.
Then as your immunity goes up and your health improves, you will be able to taper off all your medicines under your doctors’ strict medical supervision………
No, not at all.
We are not going to even touch you, give any medicine or do any surgery.
So there is no chance of any side-effects whatsoever………
First and foremost, your body will start feeling very light and peaceful.
Next, the quality of your sleep will improve greatly.
Your immunity will be highly boosted so that your body can fight the diseases more easily.
Your cold, asthma, body aches, headache, backache, neck pain, joint pains, etc. etc. will disappear gradually.
Your BP, sugar, etc. will settle down to normal levels very soon.
You will feel free and feel like flying high in the sky like a strong bird.
We can go on and on like this. But you have to experience all this yourself………
Sorry, as human beings we cannot guarantee you that.
You have been born with a body with your own set of genes.
Like all other human beings, you also carry some genes which predispose you towards some particular diseases.
So your body will show the signs of aging sooner or later.
However, you will be able to recover very fast from your illnesses.
It’s just like when you go out into the world the sun, rains, pollution, etc. will trouble you.
You cannot change them. But you can surely learn how to use an umbrella and wear shoes so that the weather conditions don’t make your life miserable.
Same thing our training course will do for you. You will learn how to keep your immunity very high in the first place so that you don’t fall sick so often.
And if you do fall sick then you will recover very fast………
Then you need a guidance to come out of your problems immediately.
You can contact Dr. Arora for his well-known mind power training on 7 Mind Secrets.
Just call him now to directly talk with him.
Then Dr. Arora, an awakened soul, will help you through his Online Group Coaching on ‘7 Mind Secrets’.
For the last more than 4 decades he has been helping ambitious people like you who are having Severe Anxiety and Chronic Health Problems.