Bad Anxiety
Our work is driven by purpose, creativity, and the belief that every project has the power to make an impact.

Like a see-saw there are 2 opposite forces working in your life from cradle to grave – the negative, energy-sucking force of Inertia and the positive, energy boosting force of Initiative.
Initiative or life force is the God-given creative force of the universe.
It maintains the universe, galaxies, stars and planets.
In your own life it’s the force of love – which may be parental love, sibling love, romantic love, friendly love or love for your nation and passion for your work.
Love for anything in any form keeps you alive, healthy and vibrant.
It comes out as your enthusiasm for living.
It’s responsible for your good relationships and all your success.
Your joy and happiness depend directly upon how much the force of love is active in your life.
The opposite is the destructive God-given force of inertia.
It breaks down everything and brings disease, destruction and death.
It is represented in your life by your laziness and the tendency to postpone things for tomorrow, called procrastination.
Your all other bad habits are just a reflection of inertia in your daily life.
Your life is beautiful when both these natural forces are in optimum balance.
You start experiencing anxiety when imbalance starts happening in your daily life because of any, any, any reason.
It soon becomes Severe Anxiety if the imbalance continues for a long time.
Please click here to know whether you have Severe Anxiety or the usual anxiety………
Severe Anxiety also is a habit [or pattern] - although a very, very unhealthy habit - just like every other habit.
It might look very strange initially to you.
But scientific research has clearly shown in many studies in all countries that human mind forms habits and then reinforces habits.
It all happens at the sub-conscious level in all human beings.
You may not be aware of it consciously. But it does happen as a pattern nevertheless.
Now we do overcome many bad habits by replacing them with better habits. Isn't it?
Similarly, you can replace the very unhealthy habit of Severe Anxiety too.
You only have to learn how to replace this very negative habit with very good, very positive and self-empowering habits of instant relaxation, power breathing, advanced meditations, etc.
Thus you start feeling better and better, healthier and healthier and your Severe Anxiety starts melting away………
All your life there is a constant up and down game of the see-saw between the opposite forces of iniative and inertia.
That’s why good times keep on alternating with bad times in every one’s life like a sine wave.
If a mountain peak is the force of love, success and happiness, then the valley is the force of inertia.
Because of love you breathe and eat to maintain your life healthy, happy and wealthy.
Each and everything that you do every moment is guided by this force to remain alive happily.
Simultaneously, inertia or laziness makes you postpone exercise, makes you eat wrong foods, lose your sleep for silly reasons, fall into addictions, hurt your relationships and miss the right actions so that you face failure in studies or work
In extreme situations it causes Severe Anxiety in you………
Absolutely correct! Both Rajas and Tamas forces are mutually dependent upon each other.
They are like the two banks of a river.
It’s like the oscillation of a pendulum from one extreme to the other extreme.
‘Rajas’ is the force of light. It controls all your ambitions, actions and achievements.
It is the force which synthesizes the universe and your daily life from the basic elements into gigantic creations.
It is the creative force of Universal Energy to run the whole universe, including your daily life.
Its opposite, ‘Tamas’, is the force of darkness.
It causes the ultimate destruction of every creation back into the basic elements.
In human life laziness, procrastination and your other bad habits are its representatives.
Severe Anxiety is one of its serious manifestations………
Yes, you are dot on line.
It is the famous Dance of Lord Nataraja where the dance of creation and destruction goes on endlessly and eternally.
Like, a pendulum oscillates and changes from -100 to +100 and then again from +100 to -100.
Similarly, Rajas changes into Tamas and tamas changes back into rajas.
When both the forces are in dynamic balance with each other, then the real beauty of life happens. It’s called ‘Sattva’ then
In Severe Anxiety this optimum balance is lost………
Rajas or creative force is called ‘Yang’ while Tamas is called ‘Yin’ in Chinese philosophy.
What it means is that our ancient cultures have been understanding the dance of life for many centuries.
They have also shown us the solution for encountering our eternal enemies of laziness and procrastination………
You must have tried a lot of your will power in the past to overcome this problem.
You must have succeeded for some time to crash once again. Do you agree?
Now you come to the final solution whereby with least efforts you can win over your negativity.
This solution is ‘ATM – Any Time Meditation.’
Like ATM there are many other techniques also in 7 Mind Secrets Course.
They are well-tested & well-tried.
They are well-proven to create balance between rajas and tamas in your daily life.
Optimum Balancing in your daily life is what melts away your Severe Anxiety………
Just call Dr. Arora now to directly talk with him.
Then Dr. Arora, an awakened soul, will help you through his Online Group Coaching on ‘7 Mind Secrets’.
For the last more than 4 decades he has been helping ambitious people like you who are having Severe Anxiety, Laziness & other Bad Habits.
You too are soon going to learn how to lead a Beautiful Magical Wonderful Life [BMW Life].
Please Call him now on his Whatsapp numbers +91 93 71 01 95 17 or 98 90 93 08 15.